UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program 2015
Bagi mahasiswa S1 yang ingin merasakan atmosfer dan menambah pengalaman di bidang penelitian, ingin berkarir di bidang biologi atau ilmu lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Biologi, dan/atau ingin melanjutkan studi ke Jepang, silakan mengikuti program pengalaman di bidang penelitian untuk mahasiswa S1 didampingi profesor-profesor The University of Tokyo.
Program ini berlangsung selama 8 minggu, terdiri dari kegiatan full-time di laboratorium, seminar and luncheons, symposium, dan cultural visit. Penerbangan, akomodasi dan biaya hidup selama di Jepang ditanggung oleh pihak the University of Tokyo. Selain itu, peserta program mendapat akses untuk menggunakan salah satu dari 40 laboratorium di lima Graduate Schools /Institutes di the University of Tokyo.
Untuk mengunduh aplikasi dan mempelajari program secara mendalam, silakan kunjungi http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/admissions-and-programs/amgenscholars/index....
Closing date: Feb. 2, 2015 (15:00 hrs Japan Standard Time = UTC+09:00)
b) Schedules
Program | Date |
UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program 2015 | 8 June 2015 - 31 July 2015 |
Amgen Scholars Symposium in Japan | 1 August 2015 - 2 August 2015 |
d) Requirements
- To devote full effort in participation in the Amgen Scholars Program. Scholars cannot take any courses or hold a job throughout the duration of the program. In addition, all participants must be able to attend the program for its entire duration.
- To live in the accommodation provided by UTokyo.
- To participate fully in the day-to-day life of the research group, respect the work of all members of the laboratory, and attend and participate in laboratory meetings or other gatherings.
- To attend all required conferences, activities and social events.
- To give a poster/presentation describing his/her summer research project.
- To submit a research paper to the UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program Director at the conclusion of the program.
e) Eligibility
UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program applicants must:
- Be undergraduate students enrolled in colleges or universities worldwide (including Japan) that award a bachelor’s degree (or its equivalent)
- Be undergraduate students enrolled in four-year colleges or universities who are sophomores in their second year (with four quarters or three semesters of college experience), juniors in their third year, or non-graduating seniors in their fourth year (who are returning in the fall to continue their undergraduate studies)*
- Have a strong record of academic performance
- Have a high level of English proficiency: as demonstrated by a minimum TOEFL (iBT) score of 79, IELTS overall band score of 6.0 or equivalent, if not a native English Speaker or if English is not your first language
- Have an interest in pursuing a Ph.D.
* Note that undergraduate students enrolled in colleges or universities with a three-year bachelor degree program must have completed at least two semesters of their studies prior to participating in the Program.
f) Number of participants
20 students, 5 from universities in Japan and 15 from universities outside Japan.
g) Financial Support
- STIPENDS: JPY 250,000 for the entire 8 week period
- ROOM & BOARD: near-campus accommodation with breakfast provided by the program
>> For students from universities outside Japan: Round-trip airline ticket from the nearest airport to the university which they are attending to Tokyo.
>> For students from universities in Japan: Round-trip ticket from the nearest airport/train station to where they will be staying in Tokyo.